Content Creator Forum

Reward your fans with a voice proportional to their contributions. Let your biggest fans shape your future creations.

Establish a community

Idea brainstorm

Understand your community's opinion to make the right next step.

Discussion forum

Nurture a community in forum discussions with customized categories and threaded comments that bubble up the best comments to the top.


You can choose to only allow fans to suggest ideas or to see your private content. You can ask them to sign in using their existing account on platforms such as Patreon or YouTube.

Prioritize your work

Simple voting

Let your fans vote up or down which ideas they like so you can concentrate on what your fanbase wants.

Feedback from your most valued fans, Credit based prioritization

Give your fans credits every time they give you a donation or make a subscription payment. Use those credits to prioritize ideas. Infographic: show Patreon/Ko-fi -> ClearFlask issues credits -> Fan prioritizes ideas

1# Link with your platform

If you are taking donations or payments for your content, link your platform to automatically issue
Donation Framework  
Patreon, OpenCollective
Payment processor  
Stripe, Apple Store, Play Store
Custom source
Integrate via API, Zapier

2# Issue credits

When a donation is made or a user completes an action, give them credits proportional to their loyalty.

Transaction history

DescriptionAmountAccount balance
Credits for donation$50.00$50.00
Fund 'Microphone upgrade'($20.00)$30.00
Fund 'Upcoming album'($25.00)$5.00

3# Let them spend it

Let your fans know

Your fans will be thrilled their particular idea came to life.