Keep everyone informed

Let your community and stakeholders know what you're up to.

Stay on the same page

Keep everyone on the same page with your product development
Publicly accessible or privately shared
Customize columns, titles and style
Gather insights along the way

Release an update

Let everyone know when you release a new feature.
Discuss changes within your community
Subscribe to new updates

Respond to suggestions

Directly respond to customers regarding their requests and keep them updated with the current status quo

Status updates

Let customers subscribe to updates on specific feature requests.
Single Sign-On
Link existing user accounts
External sign-in including    
Signup with email
(Magic link, Domain-whitelist)
Browser push
Receive a notification right in your browser
Guests with in-app notifications

Maintain a two-way communication

Feedback from a customer you can reach out to is important for addressing their needs.

Allow them to be notified using their preferred least-disruptive communication channel.

Create trust in your community

Embrace a transparent culture

Customers are loyal to brands they trust and understand.

Understand potential and churned customers

Receive feedback from potential customers to steer your product towards the market gap and understand the reasons why your customers are leaving.

Get involved

Embrace community discussions with threaded comments, rich editor, and a powerful search to find the right discussion

Get started

Try out all the features during your trial period.


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